
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Reduce global warming

Recycle: Recycle as much as you can. Buy products with minimum packaging. Recycle is not only good for the environment. You can also earn money from recycling. In fact, there are billion of dollars in recycling business.


Plant A Tree: Even if you do not have the resource to grow a forest, you can still help the environment by planting a small tree in your garden. Trees absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. The studies show that one single tree can absorb at least one ton of carbon dioxide in its lifetime. Start planting tree as much as you possibly can.

Change a Light Bulb: If your home use incandescent light bulbs, you should replace it with compact fluorescent light (CFL). Believe it or not, compact fluorescent light bulbs are last ten times longer than incandescent light bulbs. Even though compact fluorescent light bulbs are a little more expensive, it is cheaper in the long run.

Encourage others to conserve: Saving the environment is everyone’s responsibility. It is impossible to do it alone. One of the most important things that you can do is encouraging others to know their duties. Talk to your friends and neighbors. If you have children, you should teach them how to recycle.[Pauline]

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